Unleashing generative art on Bitcoin

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VIVID brings the dynamic world of generative art to life on the original blockchain, pioneering an art platform for artists and collectors with a unique experience and access to a vibrant community. Here, artists are not just creators; they are innovators and celebrated leaders of the Ordinals movement.

Combining the provenance of Bitcoin with the disruptive nature of the emerging Ordinals movement

Bridging the past and future

VIVID Gallery offers artworks that are an eternal testament to the timeless, ever-evolving spirit of creativity. Enter the VIVID community, where generative art is immortalized on the Bitcoin blockchain via Ordinals, anchoring them with timeless provenance.

A culture of creatives & builders

A thriving new art-driven Bitcoin culture is emerging and VIVID’s community of artists, technologists, innovators, and collectors is at the very core of it. As the Ordinals ecosystem unfolds, VIVID positions itself at the forefront of this digital renaissance.

Technically adept

Our gallery is for established artists daring to explore new frontiers, and for collectors, we're blazing trails with token-gated access to high-resolution versions of their favorite masterpieces.

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